Endocytobiosis and Cell Research

Aims and Scope

Endocytobiosis and Cell Research (http://ecb.thulb.uni-jena.de/home.html), an international Open Access Research Journal and organ of the “International Society of Endocytobiology” (ISE), launched the first issue in 1984. The journal was founded to publish information on evolutionary biology, symbiosis research and cell biology. The journal offers a communication forum for (micro)biologists, bioinformatics, biophysicists, biochemists, geneticists, medical scientists, veterinary researchers, and molecular biologists that are concerned with the origin, development, differentiation, evolution and phylogeny of endosymbioses and cell research (including endocytoparasitism) in the context of the eukaryotic cell.

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Ralf Oelmueller



In 2018 national and international sections of ISE were united.

Next upcoming workshops take place 2020 in Kaiserslautern (organisation: Prof. Michael Schroda and Jun. Prof. Felix Willmund) and 2021 in Bochum (organisation: Prof. Danja Schünemann).

The next ISE conference, the 15th International Colloquium on Endocytobiology and Symbiosis, will take place 2022 at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, USA (organisation: Dr. Felix Grewe).